Tuesday 1 January 2013

2012 in Review

Time for a little look back on 2012 for the Bechard family. It's been another big and busy year with lots of highlights and I thank God for preserving and blessing us in another year.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17
These big events are being done chronologically, which makes my life a whole lot easier then trying to put them in order of what was the most exciting or interesting.
1. In February I went under 'the knife' for the first time to have my gallbladder removed. I was pretty nervous about it, but thankfully it went very well and I recovered within a few weeks. The best thing though? Knowing I would never again have to experience the pain of another attack which I can only describe as worse then labor. Seriously.
2. Doing Disney! We were gifted a trip to Disneyland for 8 days in March and went with not only my family, but also my husbands. How wonderful that Noahs first Disney vacation was shared with both sets of Grandparents? Such happy memories that I can't even put into words.

3. Noahs first bad bug followed by a nasty ear infection. High fevers, vomiting, screaming, not exactly a fun experience. But it was our first time dealing with a very sick baby and having to make a trip to the emergency department. It was miserable, but after going through it I felt like a much more competent and confident parent, so I'd say that's a big deal right?

4. Noah became mobile, crawling everywhere and standing up constantly. Oh how quickly I missed the days of being able to put him down and finding him in the same spot a minute later. Our little boy was ready to explore the world... or at least our house.

5. Noah turned 1 in August! How that first year flew by. Why do they have to grow up so quickly? We had a Mickey Mouse themed birthday party in my parents backyard with just a few friends and family. Noah was super well behaved and we had a great day.

6. And so... very shortly after our baby turned 1 we found out we were expecting baby number 2! So very excited and a tad shocked at how quickly it all happened. Oh, and Noah started walking right around the same time - also exciting!

7. Family (plus a few friends) took a trip to Hawaii! We spent a week amongst the sun, surf and sand, although it wasn't nearly as relaxing going with an active toddler! Noah also got sick towards the end of our trip which made our final day or two a major downer. But it was still fun and we've got some great memories.

8. And finally, getting to celebrate Christmas with both sides of the family with in the same month! Usually we only get one in, either here in Vancouver or back east in Ontario where my husband is from. What a treat that was for us and what special times that was for Noah espeially.

We are looking into 2013 with great anticipation! Our second son, Asher, is expected towards the end of May and we'll be adjusting to life as a family of four! We also look forward to more time spent with our family and friends and enjoying all those little moments that make life so wonderful.

Happy New Year everyone and many blessings to you and yours in 2013!

Oh, and thanks for reading my blog. It still shocks me now and then that people actually want to read about our everyday life. But I enjoy journaling it, and I appreciate it all the comments and kind words that are left for me :)

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