Thursday 5 July 2012

Big boy eating

Over the last two weeks I have been gradually increasing the amount of finger foods Noah eats. I have to say, I was pretty nervous about it as I have a strong fear of him choking. But all of a sudden it just seemed like he was 'ready' and he hasn't gagged at all. I have noticed since introducing him to finger foods he is more resistant of pureed veggies and dinners; not a bad thing I guess.

His favourite has been cheese. You put some of that down in front of him and it's gone in no time.
Today I introduced him to egg and he loved it even more then cheese. In fact, his cheese sat untouched on his plate until all the egg had been eaten.

We have also recently introduced giving him a sippy cup of diluted juice or water at meal times.Once it comes time to switch him to milk I will be replacing that for the other liquids in the sippy cup. Hopefully it will make saying bye bye to the bottle a little easier.

It's crazy to watch him sitting in his highchair eating regular foods and drinking from a cup. It makes him seem way older then he really is. He's going to be 1 in just over a month now! Can time slow down a bit please!?

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