Monday, 1 April 2013

'Summer vacation'

This morning over breakfast Matt and I were talking about how the last couple of days have felt like summer vacation. He has had a four day weekend and it has been absolutely gorgeous outside the entire time! Yesterday it was 23+ here in Surrey. We have BBQed three times in the past four days and have spent tons of time sitting in the sunshine on our deck while Noah ran around. Oh, and we've been in shorts and tshirts. So nice!

I am completely a summer girl - just ask my husband. I complain about anything below 8 degrees really, so this weather has been right up my alley. I cannot wait until May when the weather starts to be like this every single day. Then me and the boys will be living in Nanas backyard all day long!

Noah received his Easter basket today. Matt and I have had a tradition since we married of hitting up a store the day after Easter and stocking up on clearance chocolate. Of all the holidays, Easter has the best candy and it is always at least half price. The cashier laughed as we came through the checkout with our huge bag of it and said we won't be able to get away with late Easter baskets for our kids forever. She said our children would wonder why 'the Easter bunny didn't come.' But we don't plan on teaching our kids that the Easter bunny came anyways, and any smart child would probably choose to wait a day extra to get more candy wouldn't they? I know I would! Needless to say, Noah was very happy with his basket and thoroughly enjoyed some choc choc this morning.

Tonight we are celebrating Easter at my parents with a turkey dinner. Seems odd to be having such a meal in this heat, but we'll take it! I know he'll be getting another Easter basket at their place too so we may have an overly sugared child tonight. Especially once Papa hypes him up by chasing him around the house. Oh well, what are grandparents for eh?

Hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend with family and friends. We sure did!

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