It was fairly last minute, but my mother offered a few days ago to watch our one year old so that hubby and I could have a day completely to ourselves to do whatever we wanted. She even offered to take him for the night so we could really get away, but it just wasn't in the budget at this time to spend money on a hotel. It was surprisingly difficult to come up with ideas of how to spend our childless Saturday, more so because at this stage in pregnancy I'm just not too comfortable walking any great distance or being far away from a washroom for more then 15 minutes. We brought up several times how nice it would have been to go for a nice long walk through our favourite Tynehead park, but I knew there was no way I could make it.
What did we do? We started out the morning with a Starbucks coffee date. We drank our free (much to hubbies happiness) drinks and had a nice long uninterrupted conversation. We originally planned to wander Chapters but found we were quite content to just talk - so nice! Then we broke the child free date rule and went to Once Upon a Child to find Noah some 'new' shoes. We justified it by saying that it's nearly impossible to shop together with a kid running around. That's fair right? From there it was off to Olive Garden for a long relaxing peaceful lunch. Again, uninterrupted conversation and unlimited time to talk about whatever we wanted. After lunch we drove around Langley, Aldergrove and Abbotsford to get a better idea of some neighbourhood's as we begin thinking about where we would like to buy a detached home. We even checked out a few show homes, which is totally something we did together all the time before having kids haha. We ended up back at my parents around 3:30pm to visit a bit before taking Noah home.
So what did we discover from this day of freedom? We learnt that we aren't very exciting people! To be honest, were kind of boring. Sure it was nice to have some quiet time to chat and remember what life was like as just a couple, but we found that we didn't need an entire day for that. A few hours out for dinner or coffee would be more then sufficient for Matt and I to catch up and reconnect, so maybe we just need to make more of an effort to do that.
Reflecting back, I totally thought that we had 'lost' a sense of ourselves as a couple by being busy parents, but it just wasn't so. Our life is so much more fun where we are! Kids get so excited about everything and in turn it makes us excited by seeing experiences through them. If anything, this day just made me even more excited to add another member to our family.
Sure, there are crappy days where time outs are had and the tears are flowing (both from child and momma) but those amazing joyous every day moments more then make up for them.
God's gift of a child brings so much joy and so many blessings to a family! It's impossible for a couple to really understand this until they have a baby of their own.