I like to be organized and get things done. I hate days where I feel like I've accomplished nothing, and I hate when my house is in a state of disarray. I can be pretty hard on myself too and make myself feel like a bad wife or mother if things don't turn out the way I foresaw them going.
For quite a while now, my routine is that I get up when Matt does (around 7am), get Noah up, changed and fed as well as do all this for myself before he's gone at 8:00. That is barely an hour or time. Then I'd switch into tidying/cleaning the house gear and try to get everything done in the shortest amount of time possible. My thought process was that this would make my day easier. But I've come to realize that it's actually the opposite. I exhaust myself so much and end up having countless hours of free time (with Noah) that I'm not totally sure how to fill.
With the anticipation of our second child coming this year I've started a new routine, one that I can hopefully somewhat carry over into our new life. It goes a little something like this.
Night before: shower
7:00-8:00am: get Noah up, changed and have breakfast together.
8:00-9:00am: 'Momma time' (have my coffee, go on my ipad, chat with my mom) while Noah plays or watches an episode of 'George'
9:00-10:30am: I get dressed and do my hair followed my housework. Noah plays wherever I am.
10:30-12:00: snack time and then take Noah either out on an errand or outside for some fresh air, followed by his lunch.
12:00: Read Noah stories and put him down for his nap.
12:30: lunch and relax time for momma.
1:30: Noahs usually up from his nap. Playtime together in the living room and some more tidying.
4:00: Momma preparing dinner while Noah does independent play or watches an episode of something.
5:15: Matt comes home and we have dinner, followed by daddy and Noah playtime.
6:30: Noah gets ready for and goes to bed! (Yes, he likes an early bed time!)
7:00pm: Momma & Dada have the evenings to ourselves. Ahhh...
I know some people don't like a schedule and find it isolating or whatever, but there is alot of wiggle room in there. On some days, the house work just doesn't happen or dinner ends up being something work free. But I don't like having to do housework in the evenings or on the weekends because I feel like that's 'our' time either as a family or just Matt and I.
Anyways, this works for us so I just thought I'd share. What do you other moms do? Do you keep to a schedule or is every day a 'fly by the seat of your pants' kinda thing? I'm curious what works for you!
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